14 February 2009

$teve's Friday the 13th

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

This morning started out like any other during the week...early. Then I went to work...and then I cooked dinner...and then I watched some TV...and then I went to bed. Happy Single Awareness Day everybody!!! To prove that I really am this lame...here is photographic evidence...

"This is the dawning of the angel Aquarius..."

How many men can say that Bettie Page watches them get dressed?

RIP Miss Page...

...and Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Got this painting in Barcelona. Loves it.

Going down? Hahahaha...I wish...

At work, I have a phone AND a muffin

This is the crew that I work with

See if you can guess which one is me...

It's snowing pretty good. Let's retreat to high ground.

There we go...

Proof that I do have cookbooks

A coworker's new baby fridge magnet, a postcard

from Filly and a bottle of Tequila Bar-B-Q Sauce.

A quick five minute meal of a turkey burger with reduced

fat Cheez-Its...and ladies, it's nearly QUARTER the fat of a

regular burger and fries with all the flavor. Cuz that's how I roll...

Oh...and I do have a fondue pot...ladies

Watched celebrity game of NBA All-Star weekend...

...between commercials of Casino on AMC

Mac: And what are prisoners?

Charlie: Hard?

Mac: That's right...we need to get hard...and this a chance for us to show my dad how hard we can get. Don't you wanna get hard?

Charlie: Yeah, I wanna get hard.

Mac: Do you want to shove heroin into your ass?
Charlie: Dude, I don't want to shove anything in my ass!
Mac: Alright! This is the perfect opportunity to prove how hard we are, and not have to shove anything up our asses!

Again, Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!! Go get hard!!!

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